The Map of Tomorrow is used in many countries! Please help to Translate it: Stand der Übersetzung: Translations are really easy to do. Everybody can help without any technical knowledge!
Moderated Maps
In general, everybody can update the map and add new entries, even without an account. But sometimes official Organisation need more control over their maps. orgTags give organisations the tool to have controlled maps where nobody else can change things directly. orgTag-Owner can login to the clearance center with their Token, to approve all [..]
Russia of Tomorrow – a hybrid Hackathon
During the hybrid hackathon “Russia of Tomorrow”, hackers met in Russia near Vladimir and in Germany near Stuttgart and collaborated digitally to create Russia’s new, interactive, open-souce-based map platform “” . This is intended to show sustainable and social initiatives and companies in Russia, similar to the in Germany. In this way, the diverse [..]
Download and Import of Data
For the creation of paper maps, but also for many other occasions, the data of the map is needed in other formats and applications, for which we offer a csv export. For spam protection reasons and to avoid overloading our server, however, not everyone can do this, but only regional or theme pilots. So if [..]
Civil Society Energy 2021
We started mapping energy cooperatives and civil society energy initiatives and fournd 45 intresting examples so far.
The Worldmap of tomorrow
The last Maps of Statistiken von morgen focussed on the distribution of the Map of tomorrow in Germany, but how far is it spread in the world? 89 of 245 ISO listed countries have at least one entry on the Map of tomorrow. The following two Maps try to show the distribution. Can you locate [..]