Instructions for mapping
Any user of the map can add and edit entries. In most regions and topics, changes become immediately apparent. (In exceptional cases, the change has yet to be unlocked by a regional or theme pilot.)
1. How to add a new entry
- Go to the spot: Find the city where you want to add something at
- Avoid Duplicates: Search first for the entry you want to add, to make sure the entry is not already existing.
- Open Formular: Simply click on “Add a new Entry” at the very end of the left list of results.
- Fill out the entry form as short and logically as possible. When thinking about the keywords, think of what could be filtered by users.
- Initiatives: Impact-oriented organisations working for change.
- Company: Product and Service providers and producers, this is about sustainable consumption.
- Don’t forget to clicke “accept license” at the end.
- On the next city tour you can say hello to the business in person and ask on the occasion if they would support printing a paper map financially.
2. How to subscribe to your region

- Click on “Login” on the Landingpage:
- Click on ” Sign up now” below the loginfields.

- Fill out the form and click register
- Open your Mails an confirm the link
- you can login and subscribe to an area, which you choos by selecting the map.
Now you should get informed about changes in your choosen are, and the Map-Admin team can grant you amdin access.
New video will be recorded.
3. How to delete (and restore) entries
Online Regional- and thematic Pilots (Moderators) can delete or restore entries. This is mostly needed when somebody created duplicates or an Initiative/Company closed down.
First of all you need to go to step 2. “How to subscribe to your region” and register on our map. Then you need to send us a Mail or you register on this formular, so that we can grant you moderator-acces (Regional/Thematic Pilot).
Then you can login to That is the direct interface to the databasis of the map of tomorrow.
Enhanced search function
The search text field is parsed according to the following rules:
Multiple terms are used as alternatives. (OR-connection) Just one of the terms has to match an entry.
- i.e. “bio organic” will return all results that contain ether bio or organic or both.,10.920&zoom=5.00&search=bio%20organic
Terms that are prepended with ‘#’ (hash or number sign) are extracted and searched as tags.
- All tags are mandatory by default (AND-Connection) i.e. “#bio #fair” will only return entries with contain both hashtags.,10.920&zoom=5.00&search=%23bio%20%23fair
- If you need an OR-Connection with Hashtags, use this in the Searchbar: tag:bio OR tag:fair,9.177&zoom=13.00&search=tag%3Abio OR tag%3Afair
Terms that are prepended with ‘+’ (plus sign) are mandatory,
- e.g. “+brot +welt” will result in all entries that contain both words like “Brot für die Welt”. Example:
Terms that are prepended with ‘-‘ (minus sign) are excluded from the search. ‘-‘ has the opposite effect of ‘+’
Map of the team of tomorrow
Regional pilots
As a regional pilot * you navigate your region into a future worth living and your team acts as a driving force to show the valuable sides of your neighborhood. As captain on this journey, you are responsible for safely accompanying your fellow human beings in shaping their world of tomorrow.
This can be the following:
- Map: Make the most important players visible for sustainability in your region.
- Securing quality: Only you as a regional pilot have the option to delete or edit incorrect or outdated reviews of entries.
- Welcome: Visor and network the mapped places, as well as introduce the map of tomorrow and the idea behind it.
- Education work: You will gain a lot of experience. Is it more and inspires students and other people.
- Management consulting: Over time, you will be able to analyze how change works in companies and can bring these ideas as constructive suggestions where you are asked to. expresses proximity or touch from the side.
We are at your disposal in all matters at all times.
Map of the Regional Pilots (#RegPis)
In the cities recorded here, there are already regional pilots who are also public contacts. Sign up with your initiative in cities where no one is yet!
If you are a regional pilot yourself, sign up and forgive your entry or entry. Your group or initiative is the keyword “regpis.”
Mapped cities
The following cities have been or are being actively mapped. Details of the mapped towns, villages and regions can be found here.
Partner maps
In some cities there are already well-structured mapping projects, so we do not want to take action there for the time being, but to refer to these projects:
Here you have unlimited space, everything a user could look for to wear one. Prefer a short description and many keywords.
The keywords help with filtering to see a specific group of entries throughout Germany.
There are a few celebrity keywords that we suggest to uniformity throughout Germany. So always try to use one of the following tags:
The following table tries to provide an overview of which keywords can be used.
Theme pilots
Networks, initiatives and projects that deal with certain topics (ultimately certain keywords) are mentioned by thematic pilots. Regionality usually does not matter here, but completeness at the network level, for example. Germany.
Such as.
Map of the Theme Pilot (#ThemPis)
Mapped themes
This list shows the topics on which it is already being mapped. Details of the mapped topics, networks and movements can be found here.
Mail template for new entries
If you enter new places and you still have some time, it would be nice if you informed the registered places about them. Because most are happy about this presence, they become aware of the map and have the opportunity to change its description and contribute to transparency through a self-assessment.
For this we have written a mail template here:
Subjec [Name of new entry]t: Is now on tomorrow’s map
Hello her!
I have added your project to the map of tomorrow, the platform for change, as you are doing sustainable work and places like you are part of my vision of a world of tomorrow.
Please feel invited to improve your description or add positive ratings of your project.
[Link zum Eintrag]
And, of course, you can map and evaluate many more partners and initiatives that you are in contact with and that do meaningful for people and the environment.
The map of tomorrow will be available to you free of charge forever. For the development of further functions, we need the voluntary support of the community of tomorrow. If €12 a month is donated to each company, the platform can develop independently and organically. Now it’s easy to donate online!
Good luck and carry on like this! Your team of tomorrow
[your Name]
[…] So if you want to download data, e.g. to write to your mapped network by email, make sure you are registered as a regional or theme pilot and write us an […]